Spanish Edition of Purple Planet Wins Rolea Award!

Congratulations to Other Selves!

Our Spanish sister company Other Selves made quite a splash at Rolea this year — winning the Rolea Award for Best Adventure of 2022 for the Spanish edition of the mighty boxset adventure DCC #84 Peril on the Purple Planet (Peligro en el Planeta Púrpura). This edition was part of a successful crowdfunding effort nearly a year ago.

Other Selves’ are no strangers to the coveted “pink beholder of utmost elegance” that is the Rolea Award, and this is actually the second time one of their DCC RPG products has taken the top spot. Indeed, in 2017 Other Selves won for the Spanish Language version of the DCC RPG Core Rulebook — and Clásicos del Mazmorreo has proven quite popular with our Spanish speaking friends around the world ever since!

Rolea is the biggest tabletop RPG-only Con in Spain, celebrated every year in the town of Mollina, Málaga. This Con spans five days of tabletop roleplaying and LARPing, and it’s an incredibly fun event that no true fan in Spain should miss. As part of the closing ceremony, the Rolea Awards are given.

Congratulations to Rodrigo and the gang at Other Selves!

Other Selves publishes an entire line of Spanish language DCC RPG books and adventures, as well as a great line of English language third party products for DCC, and you can get them both in the Goodman Games Online Store:

Author: admin

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