Video Preview of Overworld Zine

Monsters, monsters everywhere! What a great time to be an adventurer!

With its classic video game origins and old school zine format, Overworld is a perfect fit for the kind of gaming we like to get up to. This fully DCC-compatible monster manual zine from Gunzo! by Bloat Games is chock full of nostalgia-inducing monsters — but don’t take our word for it, check out the quick flip through video below.

Overworld Tabletop RPG Monster Manual for DCC RPG – Print + PDF

Tabletop RPG Monster Manual Zine – inspired by retro video games

Many years ago, a young boy received a kingly gift, the gift was The Legend of Zelda, and that boy was me—Eric Bloat. The moment I put that gold-plated cartridge into my NES, I was instantly transported to the strange land of Hyrule and began my quest to rescue Princess Zelda from the hands of the cruel Gannon. The Legend of Zelda is about adventure and discovery, trial and error, play, die, play again! I spent hours, too numerous to count, looking for secrets, fighting enemies, collecting Rupees, and trying to put the pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom back together again. And even now, 30 plus years later, I still go back to the original Legend of Zelda. I never tire of it. I never regret the moments spent playing. There are plenty of great video games, but there is only one Legend of Zelda.

This is what led me to create Overworld

Overworld is a bestiary/monster manual tabletop RPG zine based on the creatures/enemies from the original Legend of Zelda. Each of these creatures are converted from their video game roots to a tabletop RPG gameable version of itself.

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