Final Days For Sword & Sorcery Fiction Bundle

It’s your final days to get seven full magazines, plus two bonus issues, for one low price!

The Skull found out! We set up a special with Bundle of Holding to let everyone get an amazing deal on digital copies of the first seven issues of Tales From the Magician’s Skull, and his wrath is soon to be brought down upon us, his minions, for doing this!

Right now, you can grab the first seven issues of The Skull’s acclaimed sword-and-sorcery fiction magazine, along with the Cubicles of the Skull special issue, AND the special Kickstarter Tales From the Magician’s Skull #0 for the fantastic price of only $12.95! That gets you dozens of new stories, including new tales of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser!

We can keep this going for a couple more days, but The Skull won’t let it go any longer than that, so if you want to partake of this incredible offer, you need to act fast! The Skull is sure to strike down the person who set it up…which means I better hide.

Don’t let my sacrifice be in vain! Pick up your special Tales From the Magician’s Skull deal at Bundle of Holding right now — it’s the final days of this bargain!

Author: pandabrett

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