It’s the time of year when we pay more attention to the darker side of things. Where shadows seem longer. The night gets darker. And every little moment that sends a chill up our spine is a welcome event.
To help make this Halloween season even better, Goodman Games now has a new deal available at Bundle of Holding to celebrate DCC Horror.
Right now you can get seven scary good adventure modules for one low price at the Bundle of Holding site. Creep, Skrag, Creep!, Shadow Under Devil’s Reef, The Corpse That Love Built, It Consumes!, The Web of All-Torment, The Sinister Sutures of the Sempstress, and They Served Brandolyn Red are all a part of this special deal, and you get the whole group of them in PDF format for only $9.95!
Here’s a blurb straight from the Bundle of Holding site:
The October Horrors continue! Through Monday, October 31 we present the DCC Horror Bundle, an all-new collection of spooky adventure modules for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG from Goodman Games. Though many DCC modules present sword-and-sorcery scenarios of gold and glory, in 2015 Goodman branched out (oozed out?) to produce annual horror scenarios – often tied to Halloween – that throw standard DCC fantasy characters into nightmarish pocket dimensions, Cthulhoid laboratories, Frankensteinian towers, abomination-haunted coffin ships, and cursed wedding receptions.
Don’t be afraid! Act now to be a part of this great deal before it is swallowed whole or buried in the graveyard of deals-gone-by!