Free DCC Quick Start Rules — Now in Print!

Free Print and PDF Quick Start Rules now for DCC!

Are you new to Dungeon Crawl Classics? We’d like to welcome you to DCC with this great offer — both the print and PDF copy of the DCC Quick Start Rulebook are now available — for free — to get you started with DCC.

Our 44 page Quick Start Rules are a great introduction to the DCC system and even include an introductory ‘funnel’ adventure “The Portal Under The Stars;” enough to take your campaign through levels 0 and 1 and up to level 2. It’s a perfect introduction focused on new players that will have you up and running DCC in no time.

Both the Print and PDF versions of the Quick Start Rules are free — however, shipping still applies when ordering the print copy. If you are interested in only the PDF copy of the Quick Start Rules, click here.

And if you feel instead you’re ready to dive headfirst into Dungeon Crawl Classics, we’ve got an amazing deal for folks looking to get into the game all at once. It’s called the First Time Fan Kit, and you get everything you need to dive into the deep end of DCC RPG at an amazingly low price! Check it out!

Share the love! Share the rules! Discover Dungeon Crawl Classics today and begin a new game with friends!

Author: admin

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