PDF Preview of MCC #12: When Manimals Attack!

The legendary land of Zuu may not be quite a legend after all… Now you have to stop a madman and save all of humanity from his insane plans!

We’ve put together a preview of our latest adventure for Mutant Crawl Classics! This new adventure by Tim Snider features a fantastic cover by the legendary Ken Kelly, and pits all of Terra A.D. against a madman who wants to see the world turned into manimals! We invite you to take a look for yourself with our free preview!

And then you can head over to our online store to grab a full copy of the MCC #12: When Manimals Attack!

MCC #12: When Manimals Attack – Print + PDF

A Level 2 Adventure for MCC RPG!

The rescue of a feral manimal child leads to an amazing discovery – she hails from the fabled lands of Zuu itself! But when manimal enforcers attack your village and retrieve the child, your Seeker team must locate the legendary city to rescue her. However, the savage bestial madman who rules there has designs to convert all Terrans into his submissive subjects. Only by leading a manimal revolution can the Seekers hope to stop him!

Featuring cover art by legendary fantasy artist Ken Kelly!

Author: pandabrett

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