Great Deal on Etherscope at Bundle of Holding

It’s a Quick Deal at Bundle of Holding! Right now you can get six Etherscope products for one amazingly low price!

You have until Friday night to grab this deal that includes the Etherscope corebook, Etherscope – Mysteries of the Occult, Etherscope – The Great Metropolis, Upload – Etherpunk, and 2 Etherscope adventures. And that’s over $50 worth of books that you get for the great price of only $7.95!

Etherscope is a complete OGL role-playing game containing everything you need to create a character, play an adventure, start a campaign, and explore Etherspace! And what is Etherspace?

In 1876, Harold Wallace discovered something that changed the world: Etherspace. The might of Victorian industry drove forward, breaking down the frontiers of technology. Steam engines became smaller, weapons became more powerful, and cybernaughtics replaced limbs lost in bloody imperial wars. Then mankind learned to step into Etherspace itself.

Now it’s 1984. In this alternative world of out-of-control technology, Etherspace is the new frontier. Punk scope riders fight evil industrialists while occult investigators war against Etherspace demons. Mysterious System Agents lurk in the shadows as treasure hunters raid Lemurean ruins for lost secrets. Jack in, scope up, and get ready, because the options for an Etherscope game are endless!

You can grab everything you need to play in this exciting setting right now, and get it for one fantastic price! But it’s not going to be there long! This is a Quick Deal, which means that it’s only going to be around for a short time!

Grab your Etherscope Quick Deal over at Bundle of Holding right now!

Author: pandabrett

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