Dungeon Tune-Up Premieres Tonight!

Your Weird Uncle Brendan is back! Brendan LaSalle returns to Twitch tonight with the debut of his brand new show, Dungeon Tune-Up! Brendan will talk folks through refining their ideas for adventures, taking ideas and turning them into a polished product. The first episode focuses on some of Brendan’s own ideas that were lingering in the file cabinet, but future episodes will rely upon viewers sending in their own concepts for review!

Join us over on the Goodman Games Official Twitch Channel for a new show that promises happiness from old things.

7:00 p.m. EST, Tuesday, March 15

Dungeon Tune-Up

Host: Brendan LaSalle

Don’t throw away your old dungeon encounters! With a little spit and polish, they can be better than new.

Dungeon Tune-Up with Weird Uncle Brendan is here to help. Goodman Game’s self-described Okayest Designer™ is here to talk about every aspect of design and help your dungeon be its absolute best.

Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. EST on the Goodman Games Official Twitch channel. Tune in and Tune-up!

Author: pandabrett

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