What could possibly be more romantic than saving a man with a teddy bear heart by fighting a multi-headed monster using Cupid’s arrows? That’s right…NOTHING!
So pass on the idea of chocolates! Who really likes that stuff, anyway? And flowers? Those are so passe! It’s time to add some adventure to your love life, and you can do that by purchasing the 2022 Valentine’s Day Module: Love in the Age of Gongfarmers today! Purchasing it will give you immediate access to the PDF, so you can be running this true testament of love this weekend!
Everyone here at Goodman Games is a romantic at heart, after all. You’re welcome.
So check out the details below, and then head over to our online store to grab your copy of the 2022 Valentine’s Day Module: Love in the Age of Gongfarmers!
An all-new DCC RPG adventure for level 2 characters.
In this special Valentine’s Day-themed adventure, the PCs play a group of adventurers who face the wrath of an offended deity who has substituted the heart of a young cleric with that of a mechanical bear. To save the cleric, the PCs must face candy heart puzzles, feral fluffees, and other obstacles if they are to keep hope alive and once again know love in the age of gongfarmers.
Originally conceived and performed as “The Lost Heart of Valentinus in the Funnel Love” for Spawn of Cyclops Con 2021 with the winners of the “Love in the Age of Gongfarmers” contest.