Our own Bradley McDevitt is back tonight to start up an all-new season of In The Studio with Brad! It would be nice to tell you that he’s planning on giving you a full hour of artistic education and fun, but we can’t. Because Brad has expanded the show to encompass a full TWO HOURS!
Get the details below, but make sure you tune in to the Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel tonight at 8:00 p.m. EST to be a part of the new season!
8:00 p.m. EST, Monday, January 10
In the Studio With Brad
Host: Brad McDevitt
Welcome back to another session of In the Studio with Brad, the first where we expand the show to a whopping two hours! Come join Goodman Games staff artist Brad McDevitt as he works on his latest job for the company, talks about his creative process, makes jokes, takes your questions, and even occasionally remembers to keep his head (ok, more like his bald spot) out of the camera.
Things are pretty far-futured this week, as Brad works on his first piece for the upcoming DCC Dying Earth RPG! So sit back and enjoy as he works on his vision of what Earth will look like 13,000,000,000 years in the future!