Heroic Fantasy Quarterly’s 50th Issue

Happy 50th issue HFQ!

The Skull and his various minions, flunkies, lieutenants, and, yes, even interns would like to send a hearty congratulations to our sword-brothers over at Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, on the occasion of their 50th issue! Heroic Fantasy Quarterly is an online magazine specializing in adventure fantasy of all kinds, from eponymous tales of heroism and epic fantasy, to sword-and-sorcery, dark fantasy, and skulldugging daring-do. If you love Tales From the Magician’s Skull, you’re sure to thrill to our mighty sister publication, who have been in the game for over a decade of consistently excellent fantasy publishing!

Indeed, you’ll recognize many of the mainstays of Tales From the Magician’s Skull in Heroic Fantasy Quarterly’s extensive archives, such as Greg Mele, Adrian Cole, Milton Davis, TFTMS Online Editor Bill Ward, and number two after the Skull himself, Managing Editor Howard Andrew Jones! And readers of issue five of TFTMS will surely recall “The Guardian of Nalsir-Fel” — a pulse-pounding tale penned by HFQ’s senior editor himself, Adrian Simmons.

Of course, that’s just the proverbial tip of the sword, HFQ features stories (and poetry!) from dozens of talents, such as Mark Finn, Darrell Schweitzer, Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Jeff Crook, Steve Dilks, Euan Harvey, Schuyler Hernstrom, Martha Wells, Vaughn Heppner, Robert Zoltan, Seth Skorkowsky, and Jason Ray Carney — to name but a few!

HFQ #50 is a deluxe-sized issue featuring five stories and three poems, along with wonderful art: “To make this special deluxe issue happen we adventured across the world, from dusty tombs to steamy jungles, from remote wilderness to crowded urban settings, we’ve spun up S&S gold and pillaged the coffers of Weird Tales, all for you!”

Congratulations to Heroic Fantasy Quarterly on their publishing milestone and for more than a decade of flashing swords and singing blades. Here’s to fifty more!

From Milton Davis’ “The Lost Prince,” art by Miguel Santos

Author: admin

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