This Week on Twitch – November 8-14

Tonight we premiere a brand new show all about what’s happening in the world of Dungeon Crawl Classics! Tune in for the premiere episode of The Maw of Mike! And that’s just the start of the week! There are four more shows to keep you going, including the season finale of Talking TSR!

And don’t forget you can catch up on all our shows over on the Goodman Games YouTube channel as well!

Let’s check out the full schedule of all our Twitch shows for this week!

Schedule for the week of November 8

8:00 p.m. EST, Monday, November 8

The Maw of Mike – Premiere Episode!

Host: Michael Curtis

Tune into Twitch TONIGHT—Monday, November 8 at 8:00 p.m. EST—for the premiere of a brand new show all about Dungeon Crawl Classics.  

Join Michael Curtis as he and special guests Joseph Goodman, Matt Hildebrand, Brendan LaSalle, and more kick off a monthly show focusing on what’s headed your way for DCC RPG, MCC RPG, XCC RPG, and more.

Want to know what the next hot book is going to be? Do you need to know how things are going with projects already in the works? Do you want to hear Mike talk about the crazy ideas he has in store for the future of Dungeon Crawl Classics? Then you need to hear it all straight from the Maw of Mike! 

9:00 p.m. EST, Tuesday, November 9

It Consumes! – Part Two

Host and Guests: Dieter Zimmerman and friends

“Am I consuming it, or is it consuming me?”

That’s the question players will be asking as Judge Dieter takes them through the latest adventure in the DCC Horror line: It Consumes! by Thorin Thompson.

This week they finish up the game they started just prior to Halloween! You can catch the first part over on Twitch right now.

10:00 p.m. EST, Saturday, November 13

Danger Strangers – Crypt of the Devil Lich Playthrough

Hosts: The Defenders of Kobold

The crew from The Defenders of Kobold continue their trip into the Crypt of the Devil Lich!

An old prophecy sends the heroes into the crypt of the Devil Lich to ruin her before she can turn to power. Waiting are horrors that could only be made by a mad half-drow half-fiend lich!

Hop in the van, adventurer! IF YOU DARE!

9:00 p.m. EST, Sunday, November 14

Talking TSR

Hosts: Chris Doyle and Rick Maffei

Join Chris and Rick as they wrap up the second season of Talking TSR!

In this episode, they finish up the classic A-series of modules with a deep dive into A4: Into the Dungeons of the Slave Lords.

Our Talking Twins discuss the plot, artwork, maps, new creatures, and of course our Top 5 favorite encounters!

Be sure to join them as the second season concludes!

9:30 p.m. EST, Sunday, November 14

Xcrawl Classics Live Play – Foxy’s Realm of The Weird God

Host and Guests: Judge Mica and friends

Welcome back ladies and gents, to the Atlanta Knaves Stadium! It’s been 13 years since Foxy has left us, and her physical form has been reclaimed by the vast abomination beyond time and space that is GLYGTHOTEP.

Now, Foxy has managed to tear a seam through GLYGTHOTEP’s dark realm to DJ this one-time event! Does our elite team of division 9 Crawlers have what it takes to free Foxy from GLYGTHOTEP’s slimy clutches? Well, if they do, they’ll each be getting a trip to the Bahamas and a brand new car!

Tune in Sunday, November 14th, 9:30 p.m. EST for Foxy’s Realm of The Weird God!

Be sure to check out all of those great shows! And don’t forget to visit all of our recent streams on the Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel!

Author: pandabrett

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