Visit Impact Miniatures at Gen Con

If you’re planning to attend Gen Con 2021 this weekend and are on the hunt for some weird dice to use in your DCC or MCC game, we’ve got a great suggestion for you.

Over at booth #124 you’ll find Impact Miniatures. Not only will you find some fantastic people manning that booth, but you’ll also find a great selection of weird dice to use in your games. Impact Miniatures are the people who manufacture all the weird dice for Goodman Games, and they’ll have some fantastic sets on hand for you to purchase.

In fact, they’ll have some colors that you can only purchase from them at the show! Plus, they have singles for sale if you are looking to beef up a set or replace a lost d24 that went “missing” the last time it rolled a one.

Gen Con 2021 is this weekend! If you are there, be sure to pay a visit to our friends from Impact Miniatures at booth #124!

Author: pandabrett

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