The Temple of Elemental Evil playthrough is doubling up this week, with a show on both Monday and Friday!
Plus we’ve got a full week of shows, including a pair that had to be pushed back from last week. It’s a tremendous week on The Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel!
Let’s check out the full schedule of all our Twitch shows for this week!
Schedule for the week of June 7
8:00 p.m. EST, Monday, June 7
Temple of Elemental Evil Playthrough
Host and Guests: Twenty Sides to Every Story
Join Alex Kurowski and the folks from Twenty Sides to Every Story as they take you through an early-access playthrough of OAR #6: The Temple of Elemental Evil for 5E!
We’ve given Alex permission to run the adventure for his players and you can tune in to get a preview of the new version of this classic. It’s all happening simulcast on the Twenty Sides to Every Story Twitch page and the Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel this Monday, June 7, at 8:00 p.m. EST. Tune in to be a part of the fun!
8:00 p.m. EST, Wednesday, June 9
Keep Crawlin’ with Mike and Brendan
Hosts: Brendan LaSalle and Michael Curtis
The family that slays together stays together!
This week on Keep Crawlin’ with Mike and Brendan we discuss generational gaming—adults watching their kids grow up in the hobby and kids growing up in gaming households. We are proud to bring up the Elder and Younger Skatch—Jim and Haley—to help us aging gamers understand the Youts, and vice-versa.
You won’t want to be anywhere else on Wednesday night but hanging in the chat when Goodman Games presents Keep Crawlin’ with Mike and Brendan.
10:00 pm EST, Thursday, June 10
Xcrawl Live!
Host and Guests: The Liching Hour
Somewhere in the multiverse it’s New Year’s Eve, and Xcrawl Live is celebrating it this Thursday with a selection of encounters from Brendan Lasalle’s New Years Evil.
Strange things are afoot! The spirit of the New Year is driving the Gods to drink, whipping the fans into a frenzy, and inspiring the staff to start the party before the team even makes it to the green room! Can a low-level squad, faced with shady jousters, wet jesters, hell pugs, and cubical zombies – not to mention poetry, puzzles, and traps galore – survive to ring in the New Year? And will the sponsors still pick up the tab now that the dungeon has gone mad?
Cheer, jeer, and grab a beer. The Big Game is on this Thursday at 10:00 pm EST.
8:00 p.m. EST, Friday, June 11
Temple of Elemental Evil Playthrough
Host and Guests: Twenty Sides to Every Story
Join Alex Kurowski and the folks from Twenty Sides to Every Story as they take you through an early-access playthrough of OAR #6: The Temple of Elemental Evil for 5E!
We’ve given Alex permission to run the adventure for his players and you can tune in to get a preview of the new version of this classic. It’s all happening simulcast on the Twenty Sides to Every Story Twitch page and the Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel this Friday, June 11, at 8:00 p.m. EST. Tune in to be a part of the fun!
10:00 p.m. EST, Saturday, June 12
Danger Strangers!
Host and Guests: The Defenders of Kobold
The Strangers are back with another playthrough this weekend! Here’s the plan…
A group of lovable idiots plays through all of the best adventures for Dungeon Crawl Classics and DCC-adjacent games that you’ve been thinking about buying. And you get to enjoy the ride.
Defenders of Kobold present Danger Stranger! A live play-through show airing every-other Saturday at 10:00 p.m. EST.
Hop in the van adventurer! IF YOU DARE!
5:00 p.m. EST, Sunday, June 13
Blades Against Bandwidth: Lankhmar
Host and Guests: Judge Brendan and cohorts
The Blades crew managed to scratch their names out of Death’s book, and they lived to tell the tale of their harrowing adventure.
But what will be their next move? Will Qa’a ever break the curse of the Red God? Can Gangabatar’s luck hold? Who the heck is that regular, normal guy that comes everywhere with them? Where does all of Mara’s money go? And how does Kai Hala keep dragging snacks out of her little bag?
Tune in next time for (possibly) the answer to these and many more questions on Blades Against Bandwidth: Lankhmar, Sunday, June 13 at 5:00 p.m. EST on the Goodman Games Official Twitch Channel.
Be sure to check out all of those great shows! And don’t forget to visit all of our recent streams on the Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel!