This Week on Twitch – May 3-9

Welcome to May! We expect flowers to be blooming and kids to be finishing up school, all just in time for a great schedule of games and shows over on Twitch!

A fantastic trio of programs sits on the docket this week, starting out with another fantastic episode of Keep Crawlin’ with Mike and Brendan on Wednesday. Plus we’ve got the beginning of something new as one of our third-party publishers steps in to run 1000 Insane Worlds this week!

And don’t forget you can catch up on all our shows over on the Goodman Games YouTube channel as well!

Schedule for the week of May 3

8:00 pm EST, Wednesday, May 5

Keep Crawlin’ with Mike and Brendan – Season Two

Hosts: Brendan LaSalle and Michael Curtis

This week on Keep Crawlin’ with Mike and Brendan: “And then the A-Team showed up . . . “

Our Intrepid Road judges have seen way more than their share of insane left turns and unexpected developments at the gaming table. This week we will discuss what to do when games go off the rails, the joy of the unscripted adventure, and, given how players regularly blow up their characters, whether or not monsters are even necessary at all.

It’s the third episode of the season! Be sure to tune in to find out what they have in store!

3:00 pm EST, Thursday, May 6

1000 Insane Worlds

Host and Guests: Judge Skeeter and friends

Can anyone survive the technohorror nightmare that is the Crypt of the Science-Wizard? Next week on 1000 Insane Worlds we will begin featuring 3rd Party DCC creators with the mighty Skeeter Green. Crypt of the Science-Wizard combines elements of both the DCC and MCC rulesets, giving you an opportunity to play that elf, dwarf, or wizard right next to your favorite mutant, shaman, or sentinel! Mix that magic with some science, and get your “70’s sci-fi paperback book cover” game going!

Sign up to help Judge Skeeter playtest some encounters and/or obstacles. No previous experience with Crypt necessary and pregens are provided. Don’t miss the beginning of a new chapter of 1000 Insane Worlds!

10:00 pm EST, Thursday, May 6

Xcrawl Live!

Host and Guests: Hero Approved

Xcrawl Live takes a team of first-level career players hot off the funnel to DungeonBattle Brooklyn. Participating in the first Full Lethal Division IV event, these rank newcomers eager for their first taste at the games might be getting into more than they can handle! Can the first-timers pull out a W here?

Cheer, jeer, and grab a beer. The Big Game is on this Thursday at 10:00 pm EST.

And don’t forget to visit all of our recent streams on the Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel!

Author: pandabrett

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