Check Out Our D&D 5E Track at Spawn of Cyclops Con

Spawn of Cyclops Con is this month! It’s going to be three days of gaming fun and excitement, filled with everything that Goodman Games publishes. And that includes games for the world’s first fantasy role-playing game!

We’ve got a great selection of D&D 5E games that will be running during Spawn of Cyclops Con. Here’s some of the highlights:

Event #132 – Ghoul Island : Voyage to Farzeen Act 1.1 The Storm 

A Mythos-inspired campaign based on Sandy Petersen’s Cthulhu Mythos for 5e. Frank Guiterrez has a 4-part adventure planned for Spawn of Cyclops Con, starting with Event #132. You can find all 4 of his events here.

Event #84 – Pit of Annihilation 

Do you have what it takes? Hannah Carlan will be leading Level 15 (pre-gen) characters vs. NEW Goodman Games BBEGs. Battle Royale through difficult (and different!) terrains to fight the biggest and baddest from Goodman Games!

Event #185 – Super Secret 5E Playtest: Big Boss Battle 

Join Chris Doyle as your GM in this playtest of a final Big Boss encounter using a webcam and Dwarvenforge Terrain. There are several other event times for this playtest – view the schedule here!

Event #184 – OAR #6 Temple of Elemental Evil 5E Special Preview 

The release of OAR #6 is still a few months away. But join Alex Kurowski for a short 5E dungeon crawl through the Air Elemental Nodes. Can you escape before time runs out? A 5E adventure for 7th to 8th level characters. The game will be using Zoom and pre-gens are available!

Event #131 – Eye in the Tower 

The adventuring party (4/3rd level) have heard rumors of a lost jewel in the ruins. The large gem is said to be magical and quite valuable! Frank Schmidt will be running this event, and it will also be broadcast live on Twitch from the Murder Hobo Inc. group.

And it’s not too late to get a game registered! We’re still accepting event submissions, so if you are wanting to get a game in, it’s not too late. Overall, there almost 250 events scheduled currently for Spawn of Cyclops Con, and nearly 100 of them are sold out already. So don’t delay if you are looking to sign up for a particular game!

Now head on over to the TableTop Events page to sign up for your favorite events!

This con is about more than just Dungeon Crawl Classics! It also covers D&D of all editions, as well as versions of DCC (MCCXCCDCC Lankhmar, etc.). So be ready to get your game on no matter the rules!

Schedule of Important Dates:

  • January 2: Event submission is now open – you may submit events that you would like to run as a judge in Spawn of Cyclops Con!
  • January 22: Event schedule is now posted
  • January 23: Badge Sales are open
  • January 25: Event Pre-Registration for Volunteers and Judges is open
  • January 29: Event registration is open
  • February 25: Last day for ticket refunds. All tickets are final after this point.
  • February 26: Spawn of Cyclops Con begins at noon Eastern (16:00 UTC)!

And if you have any additional questions, you can always contact for additional clarity.

We’ll see you in February at Spawn of Cyclops Con!

Author: pandabrett

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