The Luck Award Winners

Ah, Gen Con! We miss it so much, the gaming, the displays, the new releases and unexpected discoveries. And, of course, the monsters! If you’ve ever visited our booth at Gen Con before, then you’ll know we have this crazy thing called a Luck Table that our fans can roll on every year. Rolling on the Luck Table can get you something special. Maybe a discount, maybe a freebie … maybe even a portrait of yourself as a monster!

Here is our lucky gaggle (throng? herd? flock?) of winning fans-turned-monsters from our Gen Con 2019 Luck Table. Most of these fine, upstanding creatures were featured in our Goodman Games Yearbook #8, which is now available in the online store. But quite a few of these shifty beings were inadvertently left out of the book, so they have been added to the PDF of the Yearbook (available for free download for anyone who bought the print edition), but we also wanted to showcase this rogues gallery of fun artwork from Chuck Whelon right here on the site for all to see.

Click on either of the above pictures for a PDF copy of our Luck Award Winners pages. And if YOU happen to BE one of these customers-as-monsters, you can have the original art from your caricature! Just email us at and we’ll get it sent out!

Author: admin

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