Road Crew Rally is This Saturday!

From time to time, Goodman Games holds a special meeting where members of the Road Crew get together to talk about what’s happening with Goodman Games. We call this a Road Crew Rally, and it’s normally a by-invite event.

But not this time.

We’ve moved the Rally from Zoom to Twitch, and we’re inviting everyone to attend! This way fans who aren’t a part of the Road Crew yet will get a chance to experience what it is like, and see the fantastic fan community gathered around DCC RPG and other Goodman games.

At the Rally, we’ll be going into more details about the current season, letting you know about special events and opportunities, and taking questions from the attendees.

And of course, we’ll just be having a good time. That’s what this is all about, after all.

So, we’ll see you this Saturday night—January 30th—at 8:00 pm EST on the Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel! We can’t wait to have you all together online.

Author: pandabrett

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