Tell Us What You Want On Twitch!

Most of you likely know about the series of Twitch-casts that Goodman Games runs on a weekly basis. We try to put a little bit of everything in the mix, from live gaming to retro-gaming discussion to movies that can influence your games.

But is it enough?

That’s what we want to know, and we want your help. So we’ve put together a short, simple survey to let you give some feedback on what you like and what we can do to make our Twitch shows the best possible.

If you aren’t familiar with our Twitch shows, you can check out the regular lineup and tune in to watch them as they happen. Or you can get caught up on them over at the Goodman Games YouTube channel.

And once you’re familiar, please take a minute to fill out the Goodman Games Twitch Survey. We want to make our shows the best on the interwaves, and your time can help make that a reality.

Author: pandabrett

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