Recapping the 2020 Goodie Awards

At Bride of Cyclops Con we gave out the third annual Goodie Awards! These special commendations recognize service to the DCC community, whether through judging, volunteering, or killing lots of PCs.

There are so many who deserve recognition that we feel humbled. This list is only a small fraction of the best of the best, and you’ll see there are many honorable mentions since we just can’t physically honor everyone.

Without further ado, here are this year’s winners.

Bringing Us All Online

Silver: Susan Murph for bringing us into the online con space.

Silver: Stephen Newton for repeated customer-friendly tutorials on online gaming, particularly with Zoom.

Silver: Bruce Cunnington for so much technical assistance on OBS and Twitch, plus many great games on that platform as well.

Honorable mention: Brett Brooks, for tireless backbone support of the web site, social media, and various technical infrastructure elements.

Honorable mention: Matt Hildebrandt, for creating the graphics behind the look and feel of our rapidly evolving Twitch presence.

Outstanding Job Performance

Silver: Jess McDevitt for helping so many frustrated customers after the Great DCC Lankhmar Shipping Debacle of 2019.

Gold: Keith LaBaw for more than a decade of outstanding shipping and customer service.

Iron Judge

For judging record numbers of events at our first two online cons, Cyclops Con and DCC Days Online. 

Special note: After dominating this category for years, Brendan LaSalle has ascended to patron status and is no longer eligible for petty mortal honors such as this. (We need to let someone else win, Brendan!)

Bronze: Bob Brinkman

Bronze: Joan Troyer

Silver: Julian Bernicke

Gold: Jen Brinkman, with a record 13 events across the two cons.

Honorable mentions: Yorkus Rex, Sean Smith, Ed Stanek, and Matt Towle 

Outstanding Judging

Based on player feedback from our 2019 Gen Con post-con player survey.

Bronze: Matt Rayburn (average player feedback of 9.8)

Silver: Michael Bolam (average player feedback of 9.9)

Gold: Harley Stroh (perfect 10 on player feedback)

Community Service

There were so many strong contenders, it was hard to select a winner. Let’s start first with the many honorable mentions:

  • Jim Skach, for creating maps to support our Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar tournaments, and his tireless support in judging.
  • The Gongfarmers Almanac community, especially this year’s leaders, Clayton Williams and Shyloh Wideman, as well as leaders of years past, such as Jon Hershberger, Marc Bruner, and many others.
  • Ari-Matti Pippo, for running a 24-hour gaming event in May – and running each event himself!
  • Eric Young, for raw enthusiasm.
  • Michael Curtis, for his WarCrawl mini-campaign.
  • Tim Snider, for always going above and beyond on swag.
  • Tim Deschene, for being so active in the Road Crew and larger DCC community.
  • Kevin “The Litch”, for his Twitch support of Xcrawl.
  • David Baity, for his continued support of the homeless cat shelter, and in general for keeping charitable activities top of mind.
  • Doug Kovacs, for staying true to his principles and serving as a north star in many ways for creative principles and creative conscience.
  • Stefan Poag, for bringing us into the VTT future with his colorful, energetic map designs.

And now on to the winners:

Gold: Jen Brinkman, for being a pillar of the community, and supporting virtually every DCC community activity, whether it’s multiple podcasts, DCC College, the GFA, editing projects, playtest, tournaments, or virtually anything else.

Gold: Jon Marr, for his tireless support of the Purple Sorcerer online tools, and generating millions of zero-level characters, almost all of which have surely died by now.

Silver: Jeff Goad and Ngo Vinh-Hoi, for keeping Appendix N alive with us all, and specifically securing on their Appendix N Book Club podcast an interview with the only living Appendix N author, Michael Moorcock.

Tournament Design and Judging

Each year we run a team tournament and recognize the judges and designers who most successfully foiled the ambitions of the players. This year’s awards are specific to The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar.

Gold: Terry Olson for all-around deadliness. He designed the deadliest room (58 characters died in the telekinetic sponge room), was the second deadliest judge on a ratio basis (2.2 deaths per PC), and tied for deadliest judge on an absolute basis (he killed 42 PCs). After dominating this category for several years, Terry has ascended to patron-hood and is no longer eligible.

Gold: Aaron Koelman for being the deadliest judge. During his judging, he caused 2.5 fatalities per PC (including PCs reaching 0 hp and being revived).

Tournament Games

The winners of this year’s tournament games will also be recognized with Goodie medals.

Author: pandabrett

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