Charity Donation From DCC Days Online

We previously announced that the official charity partner for DCC Days Online is the SF-Marin Food Bank. And now we’re here to tell you how that promise turned out.

We’re happy to report that Goodman Games has made a payment of $1,000 to the food bank as a direct result of the games you played at DCC Days Online. We pledged $5 for every event run, and we wound up at exactly 200 events run for DCC Days Online. Pretty simple math, and a donation we’re proud to have made. Thanks to everyone who helped support DCC Days Online and made this possible. Remember, right now times are tough for a very large number of people, and we encourage you to support your neighbors in this time of need. So if you can, give to your local charity of choice.

In acknowledgment of the current state of affairs, we are supplementing this donation with an additional $1,000 to the NAACP in honor of Black Lives Matter.

Keep spreading the fun, everyone. Make every game count towards inclusivity. We are all gamers at heart—that’s what brings us together.

Author: pandabrett

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