The Quaranzine: A New DCC Zine to Benefit Charity!

You’re no shut-in.
You’re an adventurer…

Living in the current era of isolation, we’ve all learned to support each other and show love across the internet. And now you’ve got a chance to help the fight against COVID-19 and get some great content as well.

The Quaranzine 2020 is a new zine created by Judge Yossarian, Stefan Surratt, Sean Richer, David Koslow, Mat Biscan, bygrinstow, Boson Au, and some guy named Doug Kovacs, with all benefits going to help families impacted by COVID-19 across the United States.

Here’s text straight from the book:

Remember the good old days, when roleplaying games were in person, dice rolls were physical, and the finale of every dungeon wasn’t a teleconference bug? Those days aren’t back, but Quaranzine is here to help. This volume is meant for those judges, scattered across the planes, whose noble spirits have been tested by their social distancing, and are ready to game for a great cause: COVID-19 victim relief.

Produced by community volunteers and charged with fulsome amounts of
Dungeon Crawl Classics-compatible content, this zine brings you a bevy of unique entities, spells, monsters, and tables for use with your DCC games and all proceeds from Quaranzine 2020 will be donated directly to a non-profit COVID-19 relief fund.

And the cost of this book? That depends on you. It’s a pay-what-you-want volume, so you get to contribute what your heart and wallet allow.

The Quaranzine 2020 is available at DriveThruRPG, so head on over and grab a copy now! You’ll be doing yourself and those in need a great service.

Author: pandabrett

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