Twitch Judges, Let Us Host Your Game On Our Channel!

Attention DCC RPG (or any other Goodman Games game) Twitch streamers! We want to help spread the word and promote your broadcasts!

Share your Twitch channel with us, along with the date and time of your event, and the Goodman Games content you’ll be broadcasting and we will help spread the word by adding you to our own auto-host list at The Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel and share your event details on social media. You can do that by dropping us a line at and we’ll get you in the queue!

If you would prefer the non-email route, you can also join the Goodman Games Twitch streaming community within our Discord server. Announce your broadcast there, and our online team will get it added to our database of upcoming events!

So if you love to game online with a Goodman game, then we want to know about it! We can’t wait to see your game streaming on our channel!

Author: pandabrett

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