Announcing “Return to the Starless Sea,” Our 2020 Gen Con DCC Team Tournament!

Every year at Gen Con we run a DCC Team Tournament. We’ve been doing it for years, with some truly spectacular events under our belt. You can find more information about them on our Tournaments page.

Our Dungeon Crawl Classics tournament at Gen Con has been running steadily since 2004 and routinely sells out within 24 hours. Winners of these tournaments receive trophies, prizes, and recognition in our published adventure modules. And in recent years, they have been immortalized by commemorative plaques on our Gong of Doom. Now, it’s time to add to the legacy.

We are very pleased to announce this year’s DCC Team Tournament: Return to the Starless Sea!

This 0-level tournament adventure is just as awesome as it sounds. And the only way to play it will be at Gen Con 2020!

It will also be our largest tournament ever, with more than 100 sessions open for play—seating more than 500 players in the tournament!

And here’s what we need from you to make it happen.

JUDGES! If you are interested in taking part in the tournament, email Taco Jon.

OTHER TOURNAMENT ASSISTANTS! We’ll need runners, scoring assistants, and others. If you’d like to take part in a capacity other than judging, also email Taco Jon.

Gen Con 2020 is set to be the biggest and best in Goodman Games history. And the DCC Team Tournament: Return to the Starless Sea will be a major part of that. We can’t wait to see you in Indy!

Author: jmcdevitt

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