Happy New Year 2020

Let’s kick this off right! Happy New Year one and all! 2019 was another amazing year for Goodman Games, and none of it was possible without you!

Every year we count our lucky stars and get to look out and at a sea of fans who have kept us afloat once again. This year brought us such great things as the much-anticipated DCC Lankhmar setting, the fabled DCC Annual, TWO new Original Adventures Reincarnated volumes, and much more!

What does 2020 hold? How about we start with The Cthulhu Alphabet? Or maybe you’re looking forward to one of the THREE planned Original Adventures Reincarnated releases (starting with The Lost City this Spring)? What about Xcrawl Classics? Does that get you going? And there is even a little thing called DCC #100: The Music of the Spheres (Is Chaos) that is on the agenda.

All in all, 2020 looks to be the biggest and best year we’ve seen, and we’re thrilled to have you alongside us for the adventure. So, to you and all of yours…


We’ll see you soon.

Author: pandabrett

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