Sign Up For Our Weekly Email Newsletter!

It’s a bit of news, information, and updates on everything that is going on with Goodman Games. It’s the easiest way to make sure that you keep up with everything that is happening here at the company and in the greater Goodman community.

We’re talking about the weekly email newsletter!

Our email newsletter comes out every Friday, and includes all the news that is fit to know. Want to know the latest releases? It’s in there. Want to discover how long Kickstarters have left? We cover that. Do you want to see events that are coming up this weekend? Yep, that’s in there too.

Don’t discover what is happening with Goodman Games after the rest of the world already knows! Not when it is so easy to stay in the loop and get all the info in your inbox once a week. It only takes a couple of minutes, and you’re in the loop.

Author: pandabrett

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