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Or, you could join our mailing list.

Did you know we have a mailing list? Did you know it’s the easiest way to stay in touch with all the Goodman Games news? Well, we do, and it is.

We post at least seven new web updates a week—sometimes more—and it’s a lot to keep track of. Our mailing list is the best way to make sure you get all the updates, in one easy-to-read weekly email.

That’s right, a single weekly email that sums up the whole week of Goodman Games goodness! Find out first about our Kickstarters, find easy summaries of our informative profiles of Appendix N authors, discover what shows we’ll be at, and much more! Oh, and that includes us talking about the newest releases.

Don’t discover what is happening with Goodman Games after the rest of the world already knows! Not when it is so easy to stay in the loop and get all the info in your inbox once a week. It only takes a couple of minutes, and you’re in the loop.

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Author: pandabrett

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