It’s Back to School Season for DCC College!

It’s time to go back to school—and that includes DCC College!

We recently posted our DCC College video from Gen Con, featuring information and anecdotes from the likes of Judge Brendan LaSalle, Judge Haley Skach, Judge Jen Brinkman, and Judge Harley Stroh. Now, we’re taking things one step further, and starting to compile resources together for new DCC players.

We’ve added a DCC College sub-menu to our Articles menu, and we’d like your help in making sure we have everything there! So far we have:

What else should we have? What are some other great resources you think every new DCC Judge should have access to? We want to know, so share your suggestions with us! Email us and tell us what we need to add to the list.

The DCC College is now open for class.

Author: pandabrett

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