Last Call for the Purple Planet!

The portal to The Purple Planet appeared approximately four years ago…but it won’t be open forever.

If you’ve been considering picking up the Perils on the Purple Planet boxed set for Dungeon Crawl Classics, you might want to act fast. Supplies are starting to run short, and once they have gone, who knows when that portal may re-open again?

For those not in the know, Perils on the Purple Planet is the boxed campaign setting by Harley Stroh, whisking your adventurers to a distant world where tribes of man-beasts wage an endless war beneath a dying sun. Where mighty death orms rule the wastes, befouled winds whistle through ancient crypts, and forests of fungi flourish in the weirdling light. Where ancient technologies offer life … or a quick death. It’s a world of adventure, peril, and mystery.

But your chance to visit won’t last. You need to act if you want to have the boxed set in your hands, because the supply is growing smaller every day.

And that extends to the other modules for The Purple Planet, as well! DCC #84.1: The Rock Awakens, DCC #84.2: Synthetic Swordsmen of the Purple Planet, and DCC #84.3: Sky Masters of the Purple Planet are also in short supply. The whole of The Purple Planet is fading from view.

The world of The Purple Planet offers sword-swinging fun in the vein of Burroughs and Verne. For fans of that classic style, you can’t get much more fun than this. Act while you still can!

Author: pandabrett

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