Announcing Our Events for UK Games Expo

The song tells us it’s a long, long way to Tipperary—and it’s slightly longer to where we’re going. Tipperary is in Ireland, actually, and we’re going to Birmingham, in England, for the UK Games Expo!

As we previously announced, we’re coming to this year’s show! The UK’s largest gaming convention runs from May 31st to June 2nd at the NEC and Hilton hotels in Birmingham. We’re very excited about the event, as this will be our first overseas booth! We’ll have all our latest product, along with a full stock of Dungeon Crawl Classics, Mutant Crawl Classics, Fifth Edition Fantasy…well, everything Goodman Games publishes!

On top of that, our own Judge Brendan will be back for his second go-round at the show! He had a blast last year, and is excited about a return trip. He’s not the only one running a Goodman game at the show, however. A great number of valiant Judges are assisting us in running DCC, MCC, and Xcrawl events at the con, and we couldn’t be happier about their support.

We want to help you find a game! We’ve got an event grid showing all the Goodman games that are offered at the 2019 UK Games Expo! Event registration is now open, so don’t delay. Make sure you sign up for the games you want now. Several events are already sold out, so if you wait, you might be found waiting for the whole show!

Special thanks to Bruce Cunnington for all his on-the-ground assistance helping us prepare for the con! We can’t wait to see everyone over in the UK for the show!

Click here for the Goodman Games UK Games Expo Event Grid!


Author: pandabrett

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