The Goodman Games License: Publishing For DCC — and Now MCC


Did you know we offer a free license to publish products compatible with DCC? And that license now applies to MCC too?

That’s right, fans, you can publish your own dungeon crawl with a DCC RPG logo on it! Or your homebrew campaign setting, your custom sourcebook, your DCC zine, or anything else you’ve made. You can find a bunch of examples on our web site, the first publication was the zine Crawl. Many other zines have followed in Crawl’s footsteps, and there are a wealth of supplements, adventures, and sourcebooks that all carry the DCC logo on them. And just recently, the first licensed product for MCC hit our store! (With many more to come….)

Are you interested? You can be a part of this. The license is free, and all you have to do is email us for information. The primary criteria is our approval of the content, and all of the details are outlined in our agreement, just email us for more info. And definitely check out the web store to see examples of what fans before you have done.

We know that we have the most creative fans in the industry. The amazing product that is already in our Online Store is evidence of that fact, but we still want to see more. If you’ve got the drive, the idea, and the passion, then contact us for a license today! We can’t wait to see what you produce!


Author: pandabrett

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