What is a sale? According to Dictionary.com (for this purpose) it is “a special disposal of goods, as at reduced prices.” Sure, but what does that really mean? I’ve seen “sales” where the “reduced price” was a dime…or less.
We aren’t like that.
Goodman Games is having a huge sale on our 3E products on RPGNow! We’re talking about a true sale! All of our Third Edition books are either $1, $3, or $5! You can get a great selection of books for a tiny amount of money. We have adventures, sourcebooks, boxed sets, and more! We’re talking about things like our old 3E Dungeon Crawl Classic adventures, our Complete Guides, Etherscope, DragonMech, Broncosaurus Rex, and more!
This is a SALE. One that deserves to be in capital letters. Yeah, that’s right, we’re shouting it to the world.
So click on over to RPGNow and check out the bargains today!