Now Shipping. No Fooling.


It’s the first day of April, but this is no joke.

We don’t have one…or two…or three…. There are FOUR major releases arriving from Goodman Games. Tales From the Magician’s Skull! Original Adventures Reincarnated #1: Into the Borderlands! Dungeon Alphabet, 4th Printing! Mutant Crawl Classics! All four of them are here, and shipping!

We are talking about four HUGE shipping jobs right now, so we ask you please be patient as we work through some backlogs, online orders may be a bit delayed by about a week as these pre-orders are processed.

Here are the shipping jobs and rough updates:

Tales-Magicians-Skull-1Tales From The Magician’s Skull

Our first fiction publication! In the spirit of classic pulp magazines, our first issue features a wealth of amazing stories. It is actively shipping, with more than half of the Kickstarter shipped.


IntoTheBorderlandsCoverInto the Borderlands

One of our all-time best sellers with more online pre-orders than any other title we’ve ever produced. We have shipped about half the pre-orders so far and are going as fast as we can.


DA Color CoverDungeon Alphabet 4th Printing

The latest update of one of our most popular products, now with even more pages and letters! This one is actively shipping, with about a third of the Kickstarter now shipped. It should be showing up in our online store warehouse any day now!


Mutant-Crawl-Classics-RPGMutant Crawl Classics

Has landed in our warehouse! We’re beginning the sorting and labeling process, watch for more info related to both the Kickstarter and web site pre-orders. It’s right around the corner, folks!


As you can see, it is MAJOR release time here at Goodman Games—and we couldn’t be happier about it. You guys have shown us love and support far beyond anything we expected.

And the year is just a quarter done. Wait until the rest of the year shows up!


Author: pandabrett

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