DCC Scratch-Off Sheets Hit Stores!


You might remember that we ran a Kickstarter for an unusual item a few months back. Something that you might not have seen before. A product that you can now purchase yourself!

The Dungeon Crawl Classics Scratch-Off Character Sheets are now in stores! Each pack of these sheets features fifteen pre-generated 0-level characters, with over 50,000 possible characters beneath. All you have to do is scratch off the spots with a coin or other item and you are ready to go! Yep, it works just like a lotto ticket, except we guarantee you win a fabulous night of fun with each sheet!

Dungeon Crawl Classics is already one of the easiest games to jump into with a 0-level funnel, but this takes that to the next level! …no pun intended. Now getting started takes seconds, and each sheet also comes with a set of alternate rules for implementation, designed by Mark Bruner. And artist Stefan Poag did an amazing border to surround the whole thing!

So visit your FLGS (and you can find the closest Goodman-friendly one using our Store Locator!) and pick up a pack of scratch-off fun tonight! And if you can’t find them there, we do have them now in our online store!

Each pack comes with 15 randomized scratch-off characters sheets and a set of alternative rules to implement them!


Author: pandabrett

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