Impact! Dice Kickstarter Ends Today!


If there is one thing that all gamers have in common, it is their love of dice. There is no game that takes that love to the level of Dungeon Crawl Classics, which makes our admiration for the Impact! Miniatures Dice Kickstarter so deep!

This Kickstarter expands out their dice offering to complete a set of dice ranging all the way from a d3 to a d20—and everything in between. You want a d11? They’ve got it. A d19? That too. They are all there! All sorts of amazing dice in a variety of colors, including all the dice you need for a DCC chain! Plus new and exciting varieties! And it ends TODAY!

You only have a few hours, so do not delay! Check out the Impact! Miniatures Dice Kickstarter right now!


Author: pandabrett

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