Free-RPG-Day-Goodman-Games-This-WeekendNot a hoax! Not an imaginary promotion! This Saturday, June 17th, is the real Free RPG Day! You can go to your FLGS and participate in a wide variety of events, and pick up some free stuff for a huge selection of products. And not to be outdone, Goodman Games is at the forefront of the crowd, with a great new product—The Dungeon Crawl Classics Quick Start Rules—available for the first time!

This is a great chance to get out and meet new folks and get fun stuff, so make plans to attend. You can see all of the events available at the Sanctum Secorum site, and of course, you can find the game store near you using our handy Retailer Locator! We want to see you at stores this weekend, supporting not only your favorite store and your favorite company (which we hope is us!), but also supporting your favorite hobby! Keep Role-Playing Games on the map! Go to Free RPG Day this weekend!


Author: pandabrett

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