Announcing the “Egyptian Lich” Edition of DCC RPG

It’s possible that you’ve seen pictures floating around, and comments to the effect of there being a “secret” edition of Dungeon Crawl Classics that was released with the latest printing of the hardcover. Well, we are here to squash those rumors…by confirming them.

It’s true! The latest printing of DCC RPG includes a “secret” version: The Egyptian Lich Cover! This printing features new artwork by Doug Kovacs of an ancient Egyptian lich in all her terrifying glory—and in a gold embossing on a faux-leather cover. The contents are the same as any of the latest printings of the book, but this cover is unique and exclusive to certain venues. 

And just how do I get this cover you ask?

Glad you asked. There are only two ways you can get ahold of this cover: you can visit us at any show where we are setting up with a booth this year, OR you can be a member of our Road Crew. That first one is pretty straightforward. Just check out our Convention Schedule for the year and come visit us at these shows. If we have a booth, you’ll find the book. 

That second version is also pretty straightforward, actually. If you are a member of the Road Crew, and are running games for the 2019 season, you will soon be given the opportunity to purchase copies for yourself through our website. The details are coming soon, and we’ll be very active in sharing them with you when those details do come out, so don’t worry. 

If you aren’t going to make it to a show, this is the perfect time to join up with the Road Crew so you have the opportunity to purchase a copy for yourself! Not only will you have access to purchase the limited-edition DCC RPG Egyptian Lich Cover, but you’ll also get access to tons of great swag! The guidelines are simple and setting up an account is easy, just hop over to the Road Crew home page for the details.

Our Egyptian Queen—and her paramour, Egyptian Guy—are just starting their love affair with the Road Crew. Watch this space for additional details soon!


Author: pandabrett

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