2020 Retrospective: Using 3D Terrain For Virtual Tabletop Roleplaying Games

2020 Retrospective: Using 3D Terrain For Virtual Tabletop Roleplaying Games

Using 3D Terrain for Virtual Tabletop Roleplaying Games by Chris Doyle Let’s face it, 2020 has presented us with many challenges. From a tabletop gaming standpoint, social distancing has forced many of us to pivot to online tabletop platforms to get our fix for role playing games. There are many great platforms out there, such as Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds, or you could just go with the tried-and-true Theater of the Mind approach and...

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Five New VTT Releases In Our Online Store!

Five New VTT Releases In Our Online Store!

Almost everyone is gaming online right now, and we want to make that as easy for you as possible. And to that end, we’ve got five new sets of maps and tokens that are now available in our online store! All of the tokens feature original, new hand-painted art by some of our top artists, done just for these sets. Each of the tokens has been scaled to work with a virtual tabletop system, and can easily be added to your game. Two of...

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