Cthulhu Alphabet Unboxing Video by Jon Hook

Cthulhu Alphabet Unboxing Video by Jon Hook

Our Alphabet series are some of the most popular books we publish. The latest in the series, The Cthulhu Alphabet, is about to hit the shelves everywhere—but it’s not out just yet. If you want to get your preview of the book through the eyes of one of the people who wrote it, check out the video below of Jon Hook unboxing his copies of The Cthulhu Alphabet for the first time! And if his excitement becomes contagious, you can...

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Video of Alliance Open House Address

Video of Alliance Open House Address

The Alliance Open House is one of the premier industry events of the tabletop gaming world. Every year hundreds of retailers and manufacturers gather together to showcase their products and share information and news. This year Goodman Games was at the show once again, doing just that: letting retailers know about Dungeon Crawl Classics, Mutant Crawl Classics, Fifth Edition Fantasy, Original Adventures Reincarnated, and much more. In...

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Gen Con Videos, Part 1: Gaming in the Spirit of Robert E. Howard

Gen Con Videos, Part 1: Gaming in the Spirit of Robert E. Howard

Oh yeah, we’re still talking about Gen Con. And in fact, we’ve got not one, not two, but THREE videos that we’ll be posting today that were taken at Gen Con 2019. We start off with a seminar entitled Gaming Appendix N: Robert E. Howard and Sword and Sorcery. It’s a great chance to see how our adventure authors integrate the works of a great writer into their game designs, and the impact he had on their creative...

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