Video of Alliance Open House Address

The Alliance Open House is one of the premier industry events of the tabletop gaming world. Every year hundreds of retailers and manufacturers gather together to showcase their products and share information and news.

This year Goodman Games was at the show once again, doing just that: letting retailers know about Dungeon Crawl Classics, Mutant Crawl Classics, Fifth Edition Fantasy, Original Adventures Reincarnated, and much more.

In fact, our own Dark Master, Joseph Goodman, spent some time on stage to present all the latest for the retailers on hand—and we filmed it. And now we’re sharing it.

Most of this information is meant for the retail community, so it might not be of interest to the casual fan, but if you are a retailer who wasn’t at the show, or someone who likes to see the curtain pulled back a bit, this video is meant for you.

Here are Goodman Games we are always looking to expand our presence. You can find us at several industry shows each year, showcasing our wares and what Goodman Games has to offer. Look for more info as we get closer to the first industry trade show of 2020!

Author: pandabrett

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