(Night) Winds Blowing for Kane—Toward a Karl Edward Wagner Revival

(Night) Winds Blowing for Kane—Toward a Karl Edward Wagner Revival

(Night) Winds Blowing for Kane – Toward a Karl Edward Wagner Revival by Brian Murphy As of this writing there are rumors—and more than rumor—of a Karl Edward Wagner revival, including his sword-and-sorcery/dark fantasy stories of Kane. I for welcome our immortal hero-villain overlord, and in the meantime encourage anyone who has not read the Kane stories to seek out the collection Night Winds. But first, evidence of a KEW...

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The Mad Dream Dies: Karl Edward Wagner’s Bloodstone

The Mad Dream Dies: Karl Edward Wagner’s Bloodstone

The Mad Dream Dies: Karl Edward Wagner’s Bloodstone by Bill Ward Aliens, lost civilizations, superscience vs. sorcery, perilous expeditions, a warrior maid, sentient crystalline entities, virgin sacrificing witches, bandits, ambushes, teleportation, a magic ring, cosmic visions, possession, a conjured tsunami, desperate battles, a jungle-shrouded city, cross and double-cross, devolved frogmen, a field tracheotomy, wall-leveling...

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Preserving the Flame: A Review of Phantasmagoria Special Edition Series #5: Karl Edward Wagner

Preserving the Flame: A Review of Phantasmagoria Special Edition Series #5: Karl Edward Wagner

Preserving the Flame: A Review of Phantasmagoria Special Edition Series #5: Karl Edward Wagner by Brian Murphy What makes Karl Edward Wagner’s best writing so powerful? I believe he was chasing a dark muse, dangerous and unpredictable, vital and vivid. The one we see on the page of “Into the Pines,” a story which alone makes the new Phantasmagoria Special Edition Series#5: Karl Edward Wagner, worth its price tag: Out into the pines...

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Ten Sword-and-Sorcery Tales For the Haunting Season

Ten Sword-and-Sorcery Tales For the Haunting Season

Ten Sword-and-Sorcery Tales For the Haunting Season by Brian Murphy On a blog such as this, I doubt I’m alone in my irrational love of Halloween, a holiday for me that, more than Thanksgiving or Christmas, evokes a Ray Bradbury-like level of nostalgia and anticipation. Here in New England, I find that as the leaves begin to turn and October shadows lengthen, so too do my thoughts drift from my natural sword-and-sorcery bent toward the...

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Where to Start With Karl Edward Wagner’s Kane

Where to Start With Karl Edward Wagner’s Kane

Where to Start With Karl Edward Wagner’s Kane by Brian Murphy His visitor was not a reassuring figure. At rather more than twice the thin man’s bulk, he sprawled half out of the room’s single chair. His massive frame exuded an aura of almost bestial strength. The figure might have been that of some great ape, clad in black leather trousers and sleeveless vest. Ruthless intelligence showed in the brutal face, framed by nape-length red...

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