An Interview With Harley Stroh

An Interview With Harley Stroh

Our partner Akileos Publishing is responsible for the upcoming French edition of Dungeon Crawl Classics. We recently ran an interview they did with our own Dark Master, Joseph Goodman, but they didn’t stop there.Akileos also conducted an interview with DCC-scribe-extraordinaire, Harley Stroh! This interview was already run on their site in French but was conducted in English, and we thought you might want to read it for...

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An Interview With Joseph Goodman

An Interview With Joseph Goodman

Our partner Akileos Publishing is currently crowdfunding the French edition of DCC RPG—which we strongly encourage you to support—and they recently posted an interview with Joseph Goodman, owner of Goodman Games. Akileos posted this interview on their crowdfunding site as an update in French, but it was conducted in English—and we thought you might like to read it yourself. Here is the English version of the interview for those who...

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Mutant Mayhem Mini Interview!

Mutant Mayhem Mini Interview!

The ongoing Mutant Mayhem Minis Kickstarter is already a huge success! With just over two weeks to go (at the time of this writing) they are already up to their fourth stretch goal, and well on their way to several others! These licensed miniatures for Mutant Crawl Classics look great, and are the perfect addition to any MCC RPG game. Our own Brendan LaSalle took time out to speak with And and Erica, the creative minds behind this...

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The Isle of Dread: Chris Doyle Interview

The Isle of Dread: Chris Doyle Interview

At Gen Con this year, Goodman Games announced our next release in the Original Adventures Reincarnated series: The Isle of Dread! This iconic wilderness adventure is one of the most popular D&D adventures ever released. For an entire generation of gamers it served as a tutorial on wilderness adventure design, and successfully demonstrated how the pulp genre roots of Appendix N could be adapted to fantasy adventure design. The...

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