Gary Con Wrap Up

Gary Con Wrap Up

The crew from Goodman Games descended upon Lake Geneva, Wisconsin this past weekend to participate in one of our favorite shows of the year—it was Gary Con weekend! From a booth brimming with the latest releases to the in-person events that filled the halls with happy gamers and attentive panel participants, we had an amazing time at the show. It was a fantastic time seeing old friends and introducing the next generation of players to...

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Gamestorm Wrap Up

Gamestorm Wrap Up

Resting off the edge of Portland just as the Devil’s Thumb hangs off of Punjar, is Hayden Island in Oregon, with the majestic Columbia River flowing by… And this past weekend, Hayden Island wasn’t host to the debauched revels of the Lords of Punjar, but instead hosted the return of the mighty gaming juggernaut of GameStorm 22— and Goodman Games was there! Footpads, champions, scoundrels, and all manner of creatures stalked the halls...

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Visit Us At Gamestorm This Weekend!

Visit Us At Gamestorm This Weekend!

Goodman Games is coming to Portland! This weekend—March 28-31—we’ll be at Gamestorm 2019, with a full display of goodness! Come see Jon Wilson at the Goodman booth, where he’ll have a bevy of great books and other items for you. In the booth we’ve got the DCC RPG Egyptian Lich Cover Rulebook and other NEW items, including the 2019 convention adventure, The Inn at Five Points, and a spread of third-party...

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It’s a Three Con Weekend!

It’s a Three Con Weekend!

You can’t stop us. It doesn’t look like you can even contain us right now. Goodman Games isn’t going to one, or two, but THREE conventions this weekend! Whether you are in the mid-west, the northwest, or the southeast, we’ve got options for you to come by and see us at a great trio of shows! And we’re also throwing in two in-store appearances to boot! And now, in alphabetical order, the three shows to...

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