Edgar Rice Burroughs and The Pulps: The Expansion of Genre Fiction

Edgar Rice Burroughs and The Pulps: The Expansion of Genre Fiction

Edgar Rice Burroughs and The Pulps: The Expansion of Genre Fiction by Ryan Harvey The first pulp magazine was Argosy, which changed to an all-fiction format in 1896. Each issue delivered a thick stack of stories printed on low-cost paper. More pulp magazines followed, and by the 1920s, they had changed the way people across the country consumed fiction. They made reading stories of wild adventures, Western action, granite-jawed...

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Classic Covers: Edgar Rice Burroughs

Classic Covers: Edgar Rice Burroughs

From the pulps of the 20s and 30s to the paperback racks of the 60s and 70s to the comics and films and ebooks of the digital age and beyond, the publishing phenomenon that is Edgar Rice Burroughs encompasses millions of books sold, popular reading tastes changed, and classic tropes established. From John Carter to Tarzan, from Mars to Venus to the Earth’s Core to the Land that Time Forgot — with occasional forays into the...

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Where to Start With American Fantasy Series

Where to Start With American Fantasy Series

Where to Start With American Fantasy Series by Bill Ward While J.R.R. Tolkien may be the most famous and ubiquitous of fantasy writers, introducing generations of readers the world over to fantasy fiction through The Hobbit and influencing the way such stories are forever told with his masterwork, The Lord of the Rings, American letters has perhaps contributed more profoundly to the development of the modern secondary world fantasy...

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New Pulp Magazines Now Available!

New Pulp Magazines Now Available!

We have some new pulp magazines! Well, technically, they’re old pulp magazines. Still, they’re new to our store, so…we have new old pulp magazines! Goodman Games has always been proud of our connection to Appendix N, the fabled section of Dungeons and Dragons that explained the influences on the game. Dungeon Crawl Classics was founded upon those books, and what they represent in the fantasy genre. And to that end,...

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