Celebrate DCC #100 With DCC Trivia!

Celebrate DCC #100 With DCC Trivia!

In celebration of the release of DCC #100 Boxed Set adventure! After 20 years of adventure and 100 (plus!) Dungeon Crawl Classics modules, we’ve got quite a lot of trivia kicking around for fans both old and new. Trivia like, exactly what was Knockmort? Or, do you know the true name of the Lady in Blue? Or how about which GG author appeared as a Hill Giant in The Chained Coffin? All of these and more were part of our DCC#100:...

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All The DCC Trivia!

All The DCC Trivia!

What was Knockmort? Do you know the true name of the Lady in Blue? Or how about which GG author appeared as a Hill Giant in The Chained Coffin? All of these and more were part of our recent DCC#100 The Music of the Spheres is Chaos brain-teasing DCC Trivia challenge in honor of 20 years of adventure and 100 DCC modules! We scoured the archives for the lore of past adventures, the history of the Goodman Gang, and the trivia that is...

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