Xcrawl for Jess TONIGHT!

Tune in tonight at 8pm EST and watch DJ Foxy run the Peachtree Piledrivers through an Atlanta Crawl!

Join DJ Foxy and friends tomorrow night at at 8:00 pm EST for this special XCC RPG event: The Peachtree Piledrivers! Four eager rookie crawlers will step through a hyperborean portal from a bygone era and face terrors both modern and ancient as they compete for the chance to raise the Peach Cup! You won’t want to miss this game! Hop on over tomorrow night and watch only on YouTube.

Each donation could give the players power-ups and magic items… or… [INSERT DIABOLICAL SCHEME BY FOXY HERE]! One lucky donator with the highest amount could receive all of the art that Brad draws on stream! Tune in this Saturday and help DJ Foxy raise money for Jess McDevitt.

Want to donate before the show? You can drop a donation to Jess’ GoFundMe.

Jess McDevitt has been a part of the Goodman Games family for many moons. Thanks to DJ Foxy, Brad McDevitt and many others for helping bring us all together to XCrawl for Jess!

The whole thing goes down tonight, June 29th at 8:00 pm EST! We’ll see you over on the Goodman Games Official YouTube Channel!

Author: alana

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