Gaming Honors’ Diapers & Daycares, Dwellings & Driveways, 5E Adventures, and More in the Online Store!

You’ve poleaxed goblins and flambéed trolls, parleyed with dragons and banished the odd demon or two — but are you ready to take on the the most challenging role of all . . . parent?

New from Gaming Honors comes Diapers & Daycare: Parents Handbook, part of their Your Basic Parody line of system neutral RPG products:

Here come the kids…so roll for initiative! Create a Parent Player Character (PPC) and go on the adventure of a lifetime in Diapers & Daycares, a fully playable parody roleplaying game! Choose from exciting character classes like the Multi-tasker, skilled juggler of simultaneous errands, the Cyborg, master of the latest technology, and many more!

Or be the Diaper Master (DM), and take your players through perilous encounters like, say, the checkout line at the grocery store! This hilarious handbook has everything you need to get started, including a sample scenario, The Temple of Elementary People. It’s the perfect read for parents, gamer parents, parents of gamers, aunts, uncles, friends, or anyone who wants a good laugh, groan, or sigh of relief!

And if you’re up for the challenge of suburbia, don’t miss the first Your Basic Parody installment — Dwellings & Driveways!

Plus! Gaming Honors offers many of their adventures in both DCC and 5E flavors! New 5E editions of some of Gaming Honors’ most popular offerings are now in the Online Store!

New 5E Editions from Gaming Honors

And check out even more from Gaming Honors, both in Print, and PDF format!

Author: admin

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