Submissions Now Open for Xcrawl Insider!

It’s time, you dungeon-mad designers! Xcrawl Insider is OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS! Share your awesome inventions in the first periodical dedicated to The World’s Funnest Death Sport™!

Here is what we are looking for in the first issue:

DJ Profiles: Got an idea for an intriguing DJ? Send us a write up, 500 words or fewer per entry. 

Fabulous Prizes: Cool new magic items or other wild prizes? Looking for 500 words or fewer per entry.

New Monsters: We want to see the rising stars of arena horror! 750 words or fewer per entry.

New Spells: Blaster or Gnome spell write ups are welcome! We are looking for 1,000 words or fewer per entry.

All creations should go along with the setting. Let’s do some Xworld building together!

“But how can we submit when we haven’t seen the rules yet?” you might ask.

Simple: For the first issue of Xcrawl Insider, we’re making things easy. Anyone familiar with the DCC rules can create monsters, spells, magic items, and such, and we’ll work with authors of accepted submissions to make them truly at home in Xworld. It’s more about the vibe of Xcrawl than the details, and if you’ve been following this project, you probably have a good grasp of what Xcrawl is all about. We’ll be looking for more complex submissions—Xcrawls, patrons, possibly even short fiction— for future issues of Xcrawl Insider after the rulebook is in your hands.

Please submit no more than three entries total for consideration.

Submissions must be received by Friday, May 31st, Midnight Eastern (EST), to ensure enough time for editing and art. Writing style guidelines can be found here.

Submission should be sent to as Microsoft Word files.

All accepted submissions become the property of Goodman Games. Payment for accepted submissions begin at $0.04 per word, with higher rates for experienced writers and designers.

Become a part of the legend of Xcrawl Classics!

Author: admin

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