“FIE, I SAY!” New Indie RPG In Online Store!


New this week from The SavageAfterworld (Country Meat-Grinder Classics, The Phage From Below) is a new indie RPG with a humorous twist! FIE, I SAY! is an entirely d6 based system, giving you everything you need to step into a world of zany parody, including pregens, NPCs and monsters, and an intro adventure.

Let’s check it out!

The RPG that asks, “What if Mel Brooks had directed The Lord of the Rings?”

FIE, I SAY! is the D6 comedy-fantasy-parody of Serious Fantasy Roleplaying Games. (You know, those “Ampersand RPGs”.) Based on the classic “roll a bunch of D6s and beat a difficulty number” RPG systems you know and love, a FIE, I SAY! adventure typically results in a comedy of errors where the characters are out of their league, the villains are out of patience, and the players are likely out of their minds.

FIE, I SAY! contains rules for creating an adventurer (and eight pregens to jump right into the action), how to play (i.e., “Your Murder Hobo and You”), a cast of NPCs and monsters to befriend and/or thwart, and, of course, The Obligatory Introductory Adventure.

Author: admin

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