Pinball at the Goodman Games Booth!

There is something new at our booth this year!

And by *new*, of course, we actually mean retro-vintage-awesome. Come by Booth #109 for a free game of pinball throughout the convention! We’ve got Centaur, Gorgar, and Swords of Fury — appropriate sword & sorcery themes for our nexus of old school gaming!

These timeless machines embody the era of Frank Frazetta, Wizard Vans, and the emergence of the World’s First Role Playing Game — in fact, you could say they’re a lot like Dungeon Crawl Classics itself!

So stop on by and play some classic fantasy-themed pinball while shopping for some old school dungeon crawls — it is always time to party like it’s 1974 at the Goodman Games booth!

Below, watch as Jen unleashes her Swords of Fury!

The Full Spread!
The Dark Master Takes Up the Challenge

Author: admin

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